More about The Rock on Campus…


Rev. Francois Kruger is the Founder and Executive Director of the national ministry known as The Rock on Campus.

Created in 2006 as a Canadian Registered Charity, our goal is to care for the spiritual and mental health needs of college students. Across Canada, 825,000 domestic students are making life-changing decisions for their futures, and we seek to appoint chaplains to as many of the 150 college campuses as possible in the next 5 years, so that we can assist students in the process of choosing paths that will carry them onto their God-given destiny.

Encounter. Engage. Point.

We support and encourage students who want to remain faithful in their walk at college. We catch students as they fall, and help restore them to Jesus and the church. We challenge students to consider why they do, what they do. We link students to great resources to help them develop ownership for their choices and decisions. We support students.

Focusing on building connections with students on Canadian college campuses, we encounter students where they live, we engage students in conversations about faith, and we point students towards building a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.

We Encounter

We facilitate regular group activities and events, connections in small groups and one-to-ones with a local chaplain/campus pastor. Students will discover a non-judgmental environment of care and support. Our chaplains meet with students daily, and support students. They are ready and available to meet with students privately and in group settings, and offer friendship to students facing anxiety, experiencing challenges in life, and wrestling with the meaning of life.

We Engage

We provide pastoral care and counseling, lead large group events and respond to student challenges such as loneliness and mental health issues. Faith is bridged in conversations in multiple formats…students walk away from our events and activities encouraged, knowing that they are valued. Campus chaplains and campus pastors offer a safe relationship with students as they explore the questions they have and the everyday challenges that students face.

We Point

We encourage students to discover who Jesus Christ is, and discover the full value of faith in every aspect of their day-to-day life. Students are encouraged to develop ownership for the discovery of the Christian faith, and while on campus encouraged to find a local church where their faith can be nurtured and where they will find a place to serve. Our chaplains and campus ministers can make introductions to local churches where students are eager to find a place to worship, and where conversations about who Jesus Christ is…chaplains will offer students the tools to discover what following Jesus daily might look like.